Friday, 17 June 2011

Get Sorted at Aston Extended Services May Holiday Activities.

Get Sorted held a series of workshops at Aston Fence Activities 1st June 2011. Here is a write up from Get Sorted staff, with links to the Aston Extended Services Newsletter which features Get Sorted.

Our activity day at Aston Hall was a great success and the children that attended were a joy to work with. We began the day with a Rap workshop which received a fantastic respoinse from the students. The workshop is aimed at improving children's confidence by allowing them to express themselves and all the students made huge progress. By the end of the morning session everybody had wrote and performed an original Rap to the rest of the group and we were very pleased that the session had been successful in including everybody who attended.

The afternoon continued in the same fantastic amnner and again achieved some very positive outcomes. We began with 'Drum Fit', an activity based on improving children's fitness by exercising to music. The activity has already been very well received in the schools we have worked in and this session was no different. Again, all the children participated and enjoyed the fast pace of the session, learning important coordination skills as well as having a great work out!

We finished what had been a very productive day with an electric guitar session. Many of the students had not played an instrument before and were very interested in learning abbout the guitar and how it works. The session succeeded in all the students leaving the activity with a greater knowledge about the guitar and how to play a piece of music on the instrument.

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